Sunday, August 14, 2011

be yourself.. everyone else is taken.

Earlier this summer, a couple friends and I went downtown to contribute to "operation beautiful", a project where people anonymously put encouraging quotes on post-it notes in public places, like bathroom walls, doors, and benches.  We had so much fun posting them all around the city and even handing some to fellow pedestrians.  It was so amazing to see people's expressions and gratitude to our positive quotes.  One woman even started yelling to us as she passed that we were beautiful too.  Saint Therese of Liseux said, "The only way I can prove my love is by.. every little sacrifice, every glance and word, and the doing of the least actions of love."  Every good dead, no matter how small, makes in impact.  These notes, we hope, helped at least one person get through their day a little easier.